Interviews in Estate Planning? Is that a thing?

When working with an estate planning professional, their first objective is to get to know you.  This is one of the most important skills that an estate planner can possess. Conversational interview skills can make the estate planning process less stressful.  A skilled estate planning professional will be able to gain a general understanding of the client including their values, concerns, and desires for their legacy. This is critical to align with the client, and prepare the optimal estate plan for them and their family.

Typical client interviews may seem like a normal conversation talking about your loved ones and where you live.  As you progress in this conversation, your estate planning professional will gain many insights about you. From those insights, they may follow up with more specific questions, or ask you to elaborate.  Even your body language can provide a skilled estate planning professional with critical information to prepare the best estate plan for you.

The Interview Process

During the interview process, the estate planning professional is building a relationship with you.  This relationship has a primary foundation of trust and honesty. You have a need for an estate plan, and the estate planning professional has your best interest at heart.  This is the essence of a strong professional relationship with your estate planning professional.

To make this experience most productive and efficient, you should anticipate sharing information about you and your family.  The attorney or estate planning professional may ask questions about birth order, work history, family history, and if you consider yourself wealthy.  You may also discuss your general health, and any concerns you may have. These are important pieces of the estate planning experience.

If you have children, you should be prepared to discuss your family dynamics and wishes for them.  If you have minor children, the estate planning professional will help you to navigate decisions regarding guardianship and how to secure their future.

Property, real estate, assets, investments, and life insurance policies will be inquired about during the conversation.  The initial conversation may not include this level of detail, but be prepared to share the information during the process.  The estate planning professional is striving for an accurate perception of your needs for a complete estate plan.

What to Discuss

During the course of conversation, the estate planning professional will discuss different options with you.  These could include wills, trusts, or other end of life preparations. Charitable interests will be topic of conversation.  If you are in a family business, succession planning, and other wishes for your family business may be discussed.

Working with an estate planning professional can be a very rewarding and satisfying experience.  The peace of mind that an estate plan can provide is a feeling of serene accomplishment. Having confidence that your family or loved ones will have a secure future is priceless.  While you work with your estate planning professional, you will gain confidence in their skill and expertise. By being prepared and engaging in the conversations you will achieve the most out of your planning sessions.

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